Implement a simple caching for Relay Modern.
update - 2017/11/07: Consulting official docs may make you even happier: Add Caching docs by felippepuhle · Pull Request #2121 · facebook/relay · GitHub. It's not merged by now.
Unlike Relay Classic, Relay Modern doesn't come with an automagical caching system out of the box. Instead, it has an utility class to help you implement a cache system.
In this article I'll describe an example implementation of a simple caching. I don't explain much of details but you'd understand if you're already familiar with Relay Modern and I believe you're so as trying to implement a cache.
const { Environment, Network, RecordSource, Store, QueryResponseCache, } = require('relay-runtime'); const yourEndPoint = '' const headers = { 'content-type' : 'application/json', } const cache = new QueryResponseCache({size: 100, ttl: 100000}); function fetchQuery( operation, variables, cacheConfig, uploadables, ) { const queryId = const cachedData = cache.get(queryId, variables); // Handle force option in RefetchOptions // See: // const forceLoad = cacheConfig && cacheConfig.force if (!forceLoad && cachedData) { return cachedData; } if (forceLoad) { // clear() means to reset all the cache, not only the entry addressed by specific queryId. // See blog comments for more details. cache.clear() } return fetch(`${yourEndPoint}/graphql`, { method: 'POST', headers, body: JSON.stringify({ query: operation.text, // GraphQL text from input variables, }), }).then(response => { const data = response.json(); // A cache key, queryId in this code, should be unique per query. cache.set(queryId, variables, data); return data }); } // Create a network layer with the fetch function export const network = Network.create(fetchQuery);
Related tweets.
Yes, depending on product we use QueryResponseCache (part of public API) w various TTL/size, cleared on any mutations.
— Joe Savona (@en_JS) 2017年9月1日
Building a simple request-response cache is simple enough and good for many use cases, we've found.
— Greg Hurrell (@wincent) 2017年5月8日
Yes! Here's an example on a cache implementation using #relaymodern QueryResponseCache. Full code @LearnRelay
— Yusinto Ngadiman (@yusinto) 2017年8月4日